- Do respect your self and others, especially parents and teachers as it is an essential element for success.
- Do keep to school timings.
- Do respect the school property.
- Do wear appropriate school uniform and the school Identity Card which is a part of the daily school uniform.
- Boys should have short hair and Girls should have double plaits on all days.
- Shirts are to be tucked in and the school belt is a must.
- Do use only bicycles to school.
- Do speak English when in school.
- Do ensure furniture is arranged in class.
- Do leave and enter classrooms in an orderly manner. Walk in a single line on the corridors and on stairs. Give way to teachers by standing aside. Maintain silent on your way to games classes or supplementary subject classes.
- Do walk on pathways.
- Do switch off fans and lights when not in use/when away from class.
- Do have snacks during morning recess and avoid taking lunch at this time. Lunch is to be had only during lunch time. Carry a small amount for snacks and emergency.
- Do practise self-study. Clear doubts immediately. Request teachers to re-teach a lesson for better understanding. Teachers are ever willing to oblige.
- Cultivate originality and avoid copying homework. It does not allow learning or self evaluation
- Do participate in all the activities of the school. Be patriotic. Sing the National Anthem at all functions and during morning assembly.
- Do leave school soon after school programme is over everyday. Escorts of students in the evenings should leave school with their wards and not linger in the school premises.
- Do keep away from others’ belongings in school. No one will endear themselves to thieves. Check belongings before leaving the school.
- Do wait inside the school for pick-up vehicles. Avoid visiting shops and eateries around the school.
- Do leave school with a Gate Pass from the respective Compartment Head and with the parent or parent designee. This is permissible only in the case of an emergency. Do adopt honest behaviour.
- Made available phones in the campus can be used during an emergency. But avoid using them during class hours.
- Do revise your daily lessons at home. Put in at least 6 hours of study everyday. Follow the strategies taught by your teachers.
- Do remind parents to pay fees and other dues to the school in time.
- Do ask parents to meet teachers only after making an appointment.
- Do keep to the rules of the school to make school life pleasant and rewarding.
- Do attend Annual Sports day only in Sports Costumes/Uniform.
- Do complete your Science Practical work regularly and do submit the observation note book and record note book in time for the examination
- Do not come late to school.
- Avoid absence to school unless in emergencies or during illness. Absence should be intimated in writing in advance or on the day of absence. Tardiness will not be tolerated.
- Avoid arriving before 8.10 am. Early arrivers should carryout handwriting exercises. Do not loiter inside the class or on verandahs.
- School bus is your own vehicle. Do not damage or step on the seats with foot wear. Do not disfigure buildings, furniture or fittings. Avoid scribbling on pillars and toilet walls.
- Do not misbehave when not supervised.
- Girls are strictly forbidden from wearing gold chains, dangling earrings or high heeled footwear. Students of Std IX & above are forbidden from wearing colour dress even on Birthdays.
- Boys should not use fancy footwear.
- Gear or gearless motorized two wheelers are prohibited by school and by law.
- Do not leave the class during class hours
- Do not trespass the games field and garden.
- Do not carry too much cash to school.
- Do not use abusive or inappropriate language. Do avoid bullying or harassing classmates or fellow students when in van or bus. Do not climb on furniture with footwear.
- Do not bring cell phones, I-pods and other gizmos from home. If found with a student, the gadget will be confiscated, never to be returned.
- Do avoid malpractice during tests and examinations. It could result in suspension from school. It does not lead to success in public examinations.
- Do not tamper with Report Cards and Acknowledgement Slips. It could be the first step towards criminal behaviour in later years.
- Do avoid planned meetings in the vicinity of the school, bus stops or in nearby areas or parks. It does not create a good image for the school or for the students.
- Do not have incomplete observation work and record work till the Terminal Examinations which may prevent your entry for the Practical Examination.
- Do not misbehave by fighting with other students, forming gangs, stealing others property, answering back to teachers and misbehaviour outside the school.
- Do not absent yourself for Terminal Examinations or for the practical Examinations without any genuine reason.
- Levy of fine for late coming to school, improper uniform and for using abusive and offensive language.
- Suspension in case of misbehaviour like fighting with other students, forming gangs, bringing prohibited things, theft, malpractice in the exams, answering back to the teachers and misbehaviour outside the school.
- Suspension with levy of fine for damaging the school property
- For coming late to school for more than thrice.
- For not wearing full school uniform (I.D. card, tie, shoes, belt etc.,) on more than 3 occasions.
- Irregular in doing homework and assignments.
- Non-completion of class work, records etc.,
- Fighting and injuring other students.
- Using abusive words.
- Irregular in bringing the school handbook.
- Disobedience to teachers.
- Absenteeism during class hours.
- Abstaining from morning assembly without permission.
- Bringing cell phone and other electronic gadgets to the school
- Stealing
- Damaging school property
- Damaging/destroying other student’s books, notebooks, geometry box etc.,
- Malpractice during exams or tests.
- Possession and reading of pornographic and undesirable material in the school
- Teasing fellow students.
- Being disrespectful to teachers.
- Changing the marks in the progress report card.
- Forging the parent’s signature in the progress report card.
- Incomplete observation, record work for the Practical Examinations.
- Absenteeism for Terminal Theory and Practical Examinations .
- On first warning yellow card will be given initially.
- Yellow cards will be given on the recommendation of the class teacher in consultation with Compartment Head and the Principal.
- A student who receives 3 Yellow cards will be given a Pink card (second warning)
- A student who receives 3 Pink cards will be given a Red card.
- A Red card holder will be referred to the Discipline Committee for necessary disciplinary action, which may lead to the dismissal of the student at the end of the academic year.
- Pink or Red card will be given straight away in case of serious acts of indiscipline.
- Pink (or) Red cards will be given based on the decision of the Discipline Committee.
- All warning cards will be given to the student in the presence of the parents.
- Each class teacher shall maintain a register to record the acts of indiscipline.
- Each class teacher shall maintain a “Disciplinary Action Register” for the class.
- A separate Disciplinary Action Register is maintained by each Compartment Head with necessary supporting evidences.